Tribunal members
The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 provides that the Tribunal consists of three persons appointed by the Governor in Council.
Professor Keitha Dunstan (Chair)

Professor Keitha Dunstan is a proud descendant of the Mandandanji people of South-West Queensland.
Professor Keitha Dunstan holds the role of Provost of Bond University. She leads the research and education strategies and oversees the academic operations of the university. Her role encompasses leadership of the Bond University College, Office of Learning and Teaching, Office of Research Services, Transformation CoLab (including the University Core Curriculum and Beyond Bond), Higher Degree Research Unit, Academic Integrity Unit, Research Integrity Unit, Academic Integrity Project, and Microcredential Unit. Professor Dunstan also oversees the Inclusion portfolio of the University, which encompasses its Gender Equality, Equity and Diversity and Indigenous strategies. Professor Dunstan’s first appointment at Bond was as the Head of the School of Business in 2009. She has Chaired the Bond University Women's Network since 2014 and was the Chair of Academic Senate 2012 - 2016.
Professor Dunstan was a Commissioner of the New Zealand Securities Commission 2003-2011. In 2005, she was appointed as a member of the New Zealand Securities Commission Audit Committee and was the Chairman of this committee from 2008 until 2011.
Professor Dunstan is the Chair of the Board of Advice for the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation, and the Indigenous Advisory Group for CPA Australia. She is a Board Member of the Gold Coast Waterways Authority and is the Chair of their Audit and Risk Committee.
Professor Dunstan is a Fellow of CPA Australia, a member of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is a past President of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2005-2007, a past co-editor of the 'Pacific Accounting Review' 2002-2006 and is a member of the editorial board of ‘Accounting and Finance’.
Jim Varghese AM

Jim Varghese AM is the Chancellor of Torrens University, Chairman of the Leadership Company Qld Pty Ltd, and Director of the Springfield City Group and Chair of the Board. Jim is a Director of Mindhive Pty Ltd, the Immediate Past National Chair of the Australia India Business Council and official observer on the board of AIBC Ltd. Jim is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, Royal Institute of Public Administration and the Australian Marketing Institute. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Jim had a 30-year career in the public service, including leadership roles in both Queensland and Victoria and has since conducted high level independent reviews for the Queensland and Commonwealth Government.
Jim has a Bachelor of Arts (with honours) and Bachelor of Divinity from the University of Queensland and Master of Business Administration and Diploma in Education from the University of Melbourne. He has also served as an adjunct professor and on the Councils of several Queensland universities and the Victorian Institute of Technology.
Jim was awarded the Centenary Medal and the Order of Australia for services to the public sector and community.
Emeritus Professor Patrick Weller AO, FASSA

Patrick Weller AO, FASSA, is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University. He has a BA from Oxford University, a PhD from the Australian National University and a DLitt from Griffith University. From 1990–2012 he was director of the Centre for Governance and Public Policy at Griffith University. He was professor of politics at Griffith University from 1984 to 2015.
He is the author, co-author or editor of some 40 books on Australian politics, international organisations and comparative institutions. (Co)authored books include Treasury Control in Australia (1976), Politics and Policy in Australia (1978), Can Ministers Cope? (1981), First among Equals (1985), Malcolm Fraser PM (1989), Dodging Raindrops: John Button, A Labor Life (1999), Australia’s Mandarins (2001), Don’t tell the Prime Minister (2002), The Governance of World Trade: International Civil Servants in the GATT/WTO (2004), Cabinet Government in Australia, 1901-2006 (2007), Westminster compared (2009; Japanese translation 2015), Inside the World Bank (2009), Learning to be a Minister (2010), From Post Box to Power House (2011), a centenary history of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Kevin Rudd, twice Prime Minister (2014). He has also written over 70 journal articles and 80 book chapters.
His most recent books are The Working World of International Organisations: Authority, Capacity, Legitimacy (with Xu Yi-chong), and The Prime Ministers’ Craft: Why some succeed and others fail in Westminster systems; both were published in 2018 by Oxford University Press.
He has won 15 grants from the Australian Research Council since 1985. He was elected a fellow of the Academy of the Social Science in Australia in 1996 and appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2002 for ‘extending understanding of the role of executive government’. He was chair of the Queensland Corrective Services Commission from 1994–1996, and a member of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Group on Reform of Australian Government Administration in 2010.